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Dormitories are located on the campus of the University at 24 and 26 Medyków Street in Katowice-Ligota.

Dormitory at 24 Medyków Street offers 112 single rooms. Each room has a kitchenette and a bathroom with a sink, shower or bathtub and a toilet. Each room has access to the Internet.

Dormitory at 26 Medyków Street offers 98 single rooms. Each room has a kitchenette and a bathroom with a sink, shower and toilet. Each room has access to the Internet.

In addition, students of these dormitories can use: quiet study rooms, laundry and parking. 





According to the SUM Rector's Ordinance, the price list is as follows:

Basic standard rooms:

Place in a 21 m² room - PLN 830/180 EUR/200 USD per person

Place in a 27 m² room - PLN 910/200 EUR/220 USD/ per person

Rooms of a higher standard:

Place in a 21 m² room - PLN 1010/215 EUR/240 USD per person

Place in a 27 m² room - PLN 1200/260 EUR/285 USD per person

 More information about prices- Zarzadzenie_Nr_148_2022_prices.docx (live.com)

Students applying for a place in the dormitory should submit an appropriate application at the time and place determined by the Dean's Office.


Student Dormitory in Katowice contact information:
phone: +48 (32) 208 85 70
email: bursa@sum.edu.pl



Dormitory No. 1 is located on the campus of the University in Zabrze-Rokitnica at 19 Jordana Street.

There are 89 rooms with Internet access, grouped into 39 segments. The segment includes 2 or 3 rooms and a sanitary facility. Kitchens are shared, 2 on each floor.

In Dormitory No. 1 is inhabited by students of medicine, dentistry / including those studying in English / and emergency medical services at the Faculty of Medicine in Zabrze as well as public health and dietetics at the Faculty of Public Health in Bytom. 

In Dormitory there are 2 laundries, 4 quiet study rooms and a TV room.




Student Dormitory in Zabrze contact information:
phone: +48 (32) 275 50 37


Regulations of Student Dormitory of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice